
Guidelines to Authors


a. Format of Articles

The Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research and Development [IJERD] is an annual journal published by the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria.

b. Title

It is hereby being recommended that the title to each article should be written at the top of the page in title case, size 14 point bold, Times New Roman and centered. The title should be brief without abbreviations and where possible, it should be in statement that captures in crisp totality of the main result or conclusion presented in the manuscript.

c. Authors and their Affiliations

It is thus being advised that the actual and correct names of the authors be supplied and written with separation, noted with commas between the names of listed authors, as these names will be indexed in official archives. Authors’ affiliations should be indicated with the superscript numbers and be listed in accordance with level of contributions to the manuscript. The corresponding author’s name should be marked with an asterisk with the exact contact email address of the corresponding author[s] in a separate section.

d. Headings and Subheadings

It is hereby being directed that headings as well as subheadings should be defined in Times New Roman font size 12, bold and capitalised only the first letter of headings, they must be also coded in itemised numbering style.

e. Abstract

Abstract should not be more than 300 words. It is expected that it must be sufficiently rich to describe the background, problem statement, methods used, main findings, conclusions drawn from the articles and recommendations to the problems studied. The text of the abstract section should be size 12 point normal Times New Roman in italised form and there should be no paragraph[s]. All abstracts must be in single-spaced typing and they must provide 5 keywords.

f. Body

The body of the article to be submitted must be written in text font size 12 normal Times New Roman. New paragraphs should be separated with a single empty line. The entire document should be single-spaced and should contain page numbers in order to facilitate the review process. Your manuscript should be written using MS-Word.

g. Sections

Manuscripts should be organised by classifying them into headings and subheadings. For example, research articles are being recommended to be organised in the following format, viz:


Literature Review

Materials and Methods

Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations


h. Tables and Figures

It is thus being advised that tables and figures should be located close to the first reference to table and figures as the case may be respectively, as arranged in the text and should be numbered in normal numberings on top of the table, e.g table 1, 2, 3 etc, followed by a colon and then the title of the table should be written; while the title to the figures should be at the bottom, with normal numbering and also with colon which is followed by title.

i. Ethics 

Concurrent manuscripts (or manuscripts essentially describing the same subject matter) to multiple journals is unacceptable. Likewise, an author should not submit any paper previously published anywhere to this journal for consideration. The author should present a precise and brief report of his or her research and an impartial description of its significance. The author should honestly gather and interpret his or her research data. Publishers, editors, reviewers, and readers are entitled to request the author to provide the raw data for his or her research for convenience of editorial review and public access. If practicable, the author should retain such data for any possible use after publication. The author should guarantee that the works he or she has submitted are original. If the author has used work and/or words by others, appropriate citations are required. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and it is unacceptable. The author should indicate explicitly all sources that have supported the research and also declare any conflict(s) of interest. The author should give due acknowledgement to all of those who have made contributions significantly to the research by listing them as co-authors. The author should ensure that all co-authors have affirmed the final version of the paper and have agreed on its final publication. The author should promptly inform the journal editor of any obvious error(s) in his or her published paper and cooperate earnestly with the editor in retraction or correction of the paper. If the editor is notified by any party other than the author that the published paper contains an obvious error, the author should write a retraction or make the correction based on the medium of publication.

j. Reference

Seriality in terms of alphabetical orderliness should be observed while arranging cited works under reference. Articles in preparation or articles submitted for publication, unpublished observations, personal communications, etc. should not be included in the reference list but should only be mentioned in the article text (e.g., W.F. Ipinmoroti, University of Nebraska, USA, personal communication). Meanwhile, all the sources that carry the journal names, volumes, numbers and pages of every cited scholarly works should be provided under reference, in the following underlisted APA format as written below, viz:


i. Journals

Agbola S.B (1997). The morphological structure of the old core area and new residential layouts of Ile-Ife, A medium traditional African city. Social Science Review, 14(1&2): 25-32.

Olatubara, C.O. and Sanni, L. (2013). Perceived Challenges of Adopting Urban Renewal As a Strategy For Improving Housing Quality In Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria'. Journal of Engineering and Environmental Studies 4(2): 51 – 61

ii. Book of Readings

Afolayan, A.A. (1978).  Population. In J.S. Oguntoyinbo, A.O. Areola and M.O. Filani (eds.) A Geography of Nigerian Development. Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books. pp. 113 - 123.

iii. Book

Gratz, R.B. and Norman, M. (2000). Cities Back from the Edge: New Life for Downtown. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.